What Does Your Profile Reveal?

What does your DISC Assessment profile reveal about how you communicate and what motivates you?

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Watch these two videos to discover your highest DISC and highest hidden motivational scores now...


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Unlock Your Full Profile and Receive:

1. Your DISC Profile How You Show Up In the World

Understand how you communicate with others, and what happens when you are under pressure.

Your DISC profile gives you instant insight into how you see the world an communicate with others. If you are a "High S", and try to communicate with another style without adapting you'll find it almost impossible for them to hear what you're saying. 

2. Your Values Profile Your Hidden Motivators

When you know what motivates and drive you, you can reframe ANY task so you feel naturally driven to perform.

Imagine knowing the hidden motivators of the people around you. By subtly changing the words you use, you'll be able to effortlessly motivate them so they feel connected to their work. When you know your own profile, you can do it to yourself! 

3. Bring It All To Life Your PERSONAL STRATEGY Session

Unlock the hidden insights in your assessment. 

When you look at your assessment, you'll see there are 54 pages of content and insight. You can choose between a Self-Guided session or a One-to-One coaching session to unlock the hidden secrets and give you step-by-step plans on how to make a real impact in your life.


Gain insight into how you show up in the world, what motivates you, and use our step-by-step guide to make small changes that create a major impact.




Normally $197

  • 54 page report into your DISC and Values assessments
  • Self-Guided Debrief with Video guided walkthrough of your unique profile
  • Weekly tips to maximize your motivational and communication styles for effectiveness, motivation and continual development. 

If you have a team and want to build trust and create a high-performing team, then this is the perfect first step.


  • Debriefs for you and your team
  • Your team members take their insights and, through our proven and engaging exercises, develop greater tolerance, understanding, and effectiveness as part of the team.

Our 100% "Deep and immediately actionable" Guarantee

100% Guarantee Image

When you buy from Institute Success, you are fully protected by our 100% "Deep and Immediately Actionable" Guarantee.

We know the impact the assessments combined with the debriefs can have. However, if you don't feel we've delivered value and significantly helped you understand your personal communication style and your hidden motivations then reach out to us and we will promptly and politely refund your payment.

What Happens Next?

As soon as your purchase either your self-guided debrief or your one-to-one strategy session, you'll be emailed all the information you need.

You'll receive immediate access to our membership site with your full DISC and Values profile, along with a link to book your strategy session and self-guided debrief.