Thanks for the Feedback

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Thanks for the Feedback: The Science and Art of Receiving Feedback Well

Thanks For The Feedback will skyrocket your personal growth and professional success by helping you see the vital role that criticism plays in all aspects of your life.

Receiving feedback is not easy, especially when it seems untrue, unfair, or poorly communicated. This book by Douglas Stone and Sheila Heen explains why receiving feedback is so difficult and provides frameworks and tools to help you make the most of it.

Click here to purchase your copy of Thanks for the Feedback

  • You'll learn how to receive feedback and learn about its three types on feedback and the purpose of each
  • You'll gain a deeper understanding of what others are really telling and be in control of how you react
  •  Uncover the 3 key triggers that block feedback and how to navigate them:

  • Truth Triggers: “The feedback is wrong, unfair or unhelpful”
  • Relationship Triggers: “Who are you to give this feedback?”
  • Identity Triggers: “I feel threatened by the feedback.”

" Nothing affects the learning culture of an organization more than the skill with which its executive team receives feedback. "

Douglas Stone

Author, Thanks for the Feedback

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Check Out the Thanks for the Feedback Video Series

Video 1 - Watch now!

Video 2 - watch now!

Video 3 - watch now!

Video 4 - coming soon!

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